Tadaa~ Here is the award.
I don't think I'm qualified on getting this award. Come on? versatile blog? how can my blog classified as versatile? Well, since someone has have me this award, I'll just can't ignore this. hehe
To accept the Versatile Blogger Award there are some rules to follow :-
1) Thank and link back the person who gave you the award.
2) Share 7 things about yourself.
3) Pass it along to 7 blogs you've recently discovered and enjoy.
4) Leave your recipients a note, telling them about the award.
Well, firstly I have to thanks my cybermate, Misha Sakura for awarding this award to me. This is the first award my blog ever got. Thank you Misha. Even though I knew her real identity, her real name, I just can't help my self and just endlessly call her Misha. I think I'll call her that name too if I meet her face to face and I believe she'll do the same and call me by my alias. Anyway, Misha is kinda a teenager girl with a unique personality. She has her own world and never mind to show them to people indirectly. Who cares direct or indirect as long people know about her and her obsession or hobbies. She used to be an Otaku just like me and I don't even know if she still an Otaku. Well, since Korea infected her brain and I noticed that she has an interest in ullzangs or what ever they call it. Hurm, I think she's on the way of becoming an adult.
7 facts about me
1) There is a demon live inside my body. People usually think I have a good personality, and good young man who likes to make good deed. Well, actually, I'm the most devil of all or I think I am. Even though I've seen by my friend as heartless, actually, I'm very fragile. Once the glass is broken, it will release the demon. Once my heart breaks, I'll make the same on the guy who made my heart breaks. I'll try to make people around me feel the pain in me. I'll make them suffer. I hate people who noticed about my problem and acts like nothing happen. That's why I'll hunt them down.
2) I love Piano. I really like piano. I always imagine my self playing piano in front of my friends and how they are amazed by my skill. Well, that's only imagination but I'd like to let my imagination comes alive. There's a piano class somewhere around Klang and a friend of my sister went for a lesson there. I already ask my mom to let me join the class but I don't think she's taking me seriously. I just need some effort and money to convince my mom to let me join piano class.
3) I love dessert. I want to eat cakes, puddings and sweet things everyday. I could have them as my breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even supper. I really like those thing. I always want to make them but you know, as if my mother would let me mess up with her kitchen. I'll be interfering with her works in the kitchen and besides, I don't think my mother have all the ingredients to make them and if my mother had them, I'll be troubled to find a place to keep my dessert in a cold place. My family owns two refrigerator and one freezer but all of them are occupied.
4) As a normal human being, I have things that I feel gross. I feel like to puke whenever I see people drinks milk. Is that normal? feeling gross only by looking people drinking milk? I already sound like a weirdo. I just can't bear seeing people drink milk. It's so gross. Sorry people, I don't tend to make all of you disgust of milk, it is just me who is being weird. Another thing is, I feel gross whenever I see people brushes their teeth. It's so gross, that's why I never look at the mirror every time I brush my teeth. It's disgusting.
5) NewS hardcore fan. Well, NewS is a boy band group in Japan under Johnny's Entertainment. I know they are only consist of boys and zero girl, but I just can't ignore their good music. I really love their songs. I know plenty of their songs and if you ask to list all their songs here, I can do it, but I don't think I want to do it now considering the clock has passed 1 already. My favourite celebrity in NewS is Shige. I don't know why I like him. Maybe because he's just like me in personality.
6) Fanfiction maniac. I read many fanfictions. I don't think I could count all the fanfictions I've read. I could tell you, 90% of them related to yaoi fanfiction. It doesn't mean I'm turning gay or bisexual or something. It's just because they are so interesting. I just read them because it's interesting. I've also read fanfiction about normal relationship and I love the story despite how hard I'm going to search a normal fanfiction pairing. It's called fanfiction because they are imagination that are turned into words. There's nothing wrong with that except if your preference became abnormal and then it's a yes.
7) Obsess with computers. The school always call me if they have any problem with computers. It'll always be me because they know I'm good in computers and there are no juniors who wants to show off their skill in computers. I become to like computers when I was infected with anime. I don't know how anime can be a source of me becoming fond to computers but it did. I really want to buy all the computers gadget around the world and if only I have a lot of money *sob*
Pass it along to 7 blogs you've recently discovered and enjoy.
1) Arina Abd Halim
2) Kak Salsabila
3) Fawwaz
I'll leave the other 4 empty until I discover 5 more blogs worth to be called versatile.
aq pny versatile x? xP
nnti aku check2 sume blog kwn2 aku and aku akan decide sape yg akan dapat award nie. hehe
wahaha! mal!! xDD
The way u talk in english makes me think that ur not the real mal ;P
sounds lemah lembut tambah sopan bile ko menulis xP
neway, thx for the intro u wrote about me.. i'm afraid that i'm no longer an otaku but the saki baki otaku still ade dlm bilik aku yg penuh dgn barang2 anime =_=
i feel touched by your words, tq ^^
yeaa.. maybe i'm becoming an adult now!! >:D everybody changed! hehe
I prefer people in cyberworld to call me misha more actually ^^
devil inside?? everyone does have that devil thing. but ur demon is much more.. scarier.. and weird =_=
ur facts are certainly same like mine!! play piano, desserts, comp obsess! wow! but.. huh? feel gross bile nengok org minum susu? n gosok gigi?!! xDD adoiii pelik bin ajaib ah ko nihhh mal~ haha.
haha now i know lah about ur certain facts yg sblom ni aku x tau ;D
Well, aku nie tulis blog aku dlm BI sbb nk kasi ayat aku tuh jd sopan.
Kalo aku tulis pkai BM pun, aku mungkin akan pkai bahasa sopan.
Cam budak2 sngt laa kalo wt ayat yg kurg sopan. Hehe
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